Efficient Kit for Isolating High Molecular Weight Mouse Tail DNA for PCR Applications

2023-06-29 10:05:17 By : admin
High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit – Your Ultimate Solution for Mouse Tail DNA Isolation and PCR

Mouse tail DNA isolation and PCR analysis are vital techniques used in many molecular biology applications. However, the isolation of DNA from mouse tail tissues can be quite challenging due to the high molecular weight of the DNA and the presence of contaminants such as hair, dirt, and fecal matter. Inadequate DNA isolation and PCR analysis can lead to unreliable results, which can affect your research outcomes. That's where the High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit comes in. It is a powerful, efficient, and convenient tool for isolating high-molecular-weight mouse tail DNA and performing PCR analysis.
High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit

What is High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit?

The High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit is a complete solution for isolating high-molecular-weight DNA from mouse tails and performing PCR analysis. The kit is designed to provide a rapid and efficient method for preparing high-quality mouse tail DNA for downstream applications such as PCR, genotyping, and sequencing.

Key Features and Benefits of High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit

The EZ High MW Mouse Tail DNA Isolation Plus PCR Kit is an effective tool for PCR analysis of mouse tail DNA samples. Here are some of its key features and benefits:

1. High-quality DNA isolation

The kit uses a unique and efficient DNA extraction method that delivers high-quality DNA free from contaminants such as hair, dirt, and fecal matter. The high-quality DNA ensures reliable results in PCR analysis.

2. High-molecular-weight DNA isolation

The kit is specifically designed to isolate high-molecular-weight DNA from mouse tails. The isolated DNA is suitable for PCR analysis and other downstream applications.

3. Fast and simple protocol

The kit includes a fast and simple protocol that requires minimal hands-on time and reduces the risk of contamination. The protocol is easy to follow, even for novice users.

4. Cost-effective

The High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit is a cost-effective solution for mouse tail DNA isolation and PCR analysis. The kit includes all the necessary reagents and materials for PCR analysis.

How to Use High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit

Using the High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit is easy and straightforward. Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Collect mouse tail tissues

Collect a small piece of mouse tail tissue using sterile forceps and scissors or a surgical blade.

2. Homogenize the tissues

Homogenize the mouse tail tissues using the provided homogenization buffer.

3. DNA extraction

Extract DNA from the homogenized tissues using the provided DNA extraction buffer and spin columns.

4. DNA elution

Elute the purified DNA from the spin columns using the provided elution buffer.

5. PCR analysis

Perform PCR analysis using the isolated DNA as a template.


The High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit is a powerful tool for isolating high-molecular-weight mouse tail DNA and performing PCR analysis. The kit is designed to provide a rapid and efficient method for preparing high-quality mouse tail DNA for downstream applications such as PCR, genotyping, and sequencing. Using the kit is easy and straightforward, and the protocol requires minimal hands-on time. The kit is cost-effective, making it an ideal solution for researchers and scientists looking to isolate and analyze mouse tail DNA.