Efficient RNA Isolation Kit with DNA-Cleaning Column for Improved Results.

2023-04-11 08:53:11 By : Mr. Cao ShengNan
RNA isolation is a crucial process for researchers working in the field of molecular biology. The availability of high-quality RNA plays a pivotal role in gene expression, transcriptomics, and molecular diagnostics. Therefore, scientists consistently strive for efficient and reliable RNA isolation kits. The Cell Total/Animal Total RNA Isolation Kit is one of the best kits in the market, delivering high-quality RNA with simplicity, accuracy, and speed.

The Cell Total/Animal Total RNA Isolation Kit utilizes centrifugal columns and formulas developed by Foregene, a leading biotech company. The kit includes DNA-Cleaning columns that allow easy separation of supernatant from lytic cell content and remove genomic DNA, ensuring high-quality RNA. The RNA-only columns can efficiently bind to RNA with the help of uniquely formulated buffers, reducing the chances of cross-contamination.
Cell Total / Animal Total RNA Isolation Kit                   www.labshops.com

The kit is designed to isolate total RNA from different sources, including cells, animal tissues, yeast, and bacteria, making it a versatile and widely used tool in research. The kit can extract high-quality RNA from as little as ten cells or up to one gram of tissue, demonstrating its proficiency in terms of sample quantity.

One of the most significant advantages of the Cell Total/Animal Total RNA Isolation Kit is its simplicity. The procedure for extracting RNA from cells or tissues is relatively simple and takes less than 30 minutes. The kit is user-friendly, and the protocol can easily be followed even by novice researchers. The kit includes all the necessary components, eliminating the need for extra reagents or buffers.

The kit is also known for its accuracy and reproducibility. The RNA obtained with the kit is free from impurities, such as residual DNA or inhibitors, ensuring high-quality results. The RNA isolated by the kit is also stable for downstream applications like RT-PCR, gene expression, and microarray analysis.

The Cell Total/Animal Total RNA Isolation Kit is an excellent option for researchers who require high-quality RNA from different sources, and it can be used in various downstream applications. The kit is also cost-effective, making it an excellent choice for budget-limited research projects. It is a reliable and efficient tool for RNA isolation, making it particularly attractive to researchers working on challenging samples.

In conclusion, the Cell Total/Animal Total RNA Isolation Kit is an ideal option for RNA isolation from cells and animal tissues. It is a simple, accurate, and efficient tool, delivering high-quality RNA with ease. The kit’s effectiveness is rooted in its unique DNA-cleaning column, RNA-only columns, and a uniquely formulated buffer. Researchers can confidently use this kit for different applications without worrying about cross-contamination and impurities. Moreover, the kit is competitively priced, offering reliable RNA isolation without breaking the bank. With its many benefits, the Cell Total/Animal Total RNA Isolation Kit is an ideal tool for RNA isolation in research labs.