Chinese Diagnostic Companies Embrace Saliva Test for Rapid Medical Diagnostics

2023-04-11 08:39:07 By : Ms. Linda Liu

Foregene Co., Ltd., a company that specializes in developing and producing molecular biology lab reagents and IVD kits, has recently made an announcement that they have developed a new test that can detect COVID-19 through saliva samples. This innovative diagnostic test for COVID-19 is expected to replace the current standard method of detecting the virus that involves a nose or throat swab. The saliva test has the potential to greatly simplify the testing process for COVID-19, allowing for its widespread use in both individuals and large populations.
Saliva Test -<a href='/diagnostic-reagent/'>Diagnostic Reagent</a> Companies In China

This new saliva test for COVID-19 has been developed by utilizing Foregene’s world-leading Direct PCR platform, double-column RNA isolation platform, and DNA-only silica membrane platform. These platforms were used to create a diagnostic test that can detect the presence of the virus through a simple saliva sample. Unlike the current testing method, the saliva test is painless and non-invasive, making it easier to perform on a larger scale.

The saliva test is also more convenient, as it allows for the collection of samples to be done without the involvement of medical professionals. This is an important aspect of the test, as it will help reduce the burden on healthcare professionals and ensure that people can easily and safely get tested for COVID-19.

According to the news content Saliva Test -Diagnostic Reagent Companies In China, this new testing method has already been approved by the Chinese National Medical Products Administration and has been shipped to countries all over the world. This testing method has proven to be highly accurate, with a sensitivity rate of 97.4% and a specificity rate of 99.8%.

The test is also incredibly fast, with the results being available in as little as 30 minutes. This fast turnaround time is important in stopping the spread of the virus, as it allows healthcare professionals to quickly identify and isolate infected individuals.

Foregene’s saliva test for COVID-19 has the potential to revolutionize the way we test for the virus. With its accuracy, speed, and ease of use, it is expected to become the new standard in COVID-19 testing. The company’s dedication to developing innovative technology and products has helped them become a leading player in the diagnostic reagent industry.

Foregene is committed to continuing to develop new and innovative products to improve the quality of healthcare. Their products are sold worldwide, and they have a strong reputation for quality and innovation.

As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, the development of new diagnostic tests will play a crucial role in stopping its spread. The use of a saliva test for COVID-19 is an important development, as it will make testing easier and more accessible. It is exciting to see companies like Foregene utilizing their expertise to develop new products that have the potential to transform the healthcare industry.

Saliva Test -Diagnostic Reagent Companies In China has highlighted the importance of innovative technology in the healthcare industry. Foregene’s commitment to product development and innovation has helped them become a leader in the field, and their saliva test for COVID-19 is just one example of their dedication to improving healthcare. As we continue to face new challenges, it is clear that innovative products and technology will play an increasingly important role in the future of healthcare.