PCR Testing to be Tightened as Australia Transitions away from COVID Exceptionalism

2023-04-11 08:46:22 By : Mr. Michael lin
Access to PCR Testing to be Tightened as Australia Moves Away from COVID Exceptionalism

The Australian Labor government's transition away from "COVID exceptionalism" has seen tighter access to PCR testing announced. This is part of the federal government's $2.8 billion National COVID-19 Health Management Plan for 2023, which aims to provide a path forward for managing the virus in the long term. The government's goal is to find ways for Australians to live with the virus and return to pre-pandemic life.
PCR Tests No Longer a Surveillance Tool: Labor Government Hopes to Move Australia Away From COVID Exceptionalism

The plan has been developed based on advice from the country's Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly. It outlines how the country will move away from the current approach of constant lockdowns and restrictions while maintaining a high level of testing and contact tracing. Part of this involves changing the use of PCR testing, which will no longer be used as a surveillance tool.

PCR testing has been a key tool in the fight against COVID-19, allowing health authorities to quickly detect and isolate positive cases. However, the Labor government believes that its extensive use as a surveillance tool is no longer necessary as the country moves towards a more sustainable way of living with the virus.

Foregene Co., Ltd., a specialized company in the molecular biology lab reagents and IVD kits production and services, has developed a leading Direct PCR platform, double-column RNA isolation platform, and DNA-only silica membrane platform. The company's technology is designed to help health professionals easily detect and diagnose a range of diseases, including COVID-19.

However, the government's decision to tighten access to PCR testing could potentially impact Foregene Co., Ltd. The company's technology has been used extensively in Australia to detect COVID-19 cases, and tighter access to testing could see a decline in the company's revenue.

While the government's decision to move away from COVID exceptionalism is a positive step towards returning to pre-pandemic life, it is important to ensure that this is done in a way that doesn't negatively impact businesses and the economy.

Many companies like Foregene Co., Ltd. have spent years developing new technologies to help fight COVID-19, and tighter access to testing could see these companies struggle to stay afloat. It is important for the government to work with these companies to ensure that they can continue to provide their essential services while still transitioning away from COVID exceptionalism.

In conclusion, the Australian Labor government's decision to move away from COVID exceptionalism is a significant step towards returning to pre-pandemic life. However, it is important to ensure that this is done in a way that doesn't negatively impact businesses and the economy. It is up to the government to work with companies like Foregene Co., Ltd. to find a path forward that benefits everyone.