Superior Direct PCR Reagents: Nanotechnology Takes Performance to the Next Level

2023-04-11 08:32:12 By : Ms. Esse Zhao
Foregene Co., Ltd. is proud to announce the superiority of its PCRopsis solution over other direct PCR reagents currently available in the market. As a company dedicated to the production and distribution of molecular biology lab reagents and IVD kits, Foregene has developed cutting-edge technologies that are changing the face of PCR testing.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a widely used technique for amplifying DNA sequences, making it a valuable tool in the fields of medical testing, forensic analysis, and gene research. However, traditional PCR methods can be time-consuming and laborious, requiring multiple steps such as DNA isolation, purification, and amplification. This is where direct PCR comes in, allowing researchers to skip the DNA extraction step and proceed straight to amplification. Direct PCR is a valuable tool for urgent testing, high-throughput processing, and fieldwork where resources are limited.
Not All Direct PCR Reagents are Created Equal: Entopsis PCRopsis Outperforms the Competition  Chemicals Press Releases

But not all direct PCR reagents are created equal. PCRopsis, developed by Foregene, stands out from other direct PCR reagents through its use of nanotechnology. PCRopsis utilizes a dual-component system of magnetic and non-magnetic particles to separate samples, ensuring high-quality DNA extracts with minimal contamination risks. This efficient separation is essential to eliminating non-specific amplification and increasing the sensitivity and specificity of your PCR results.

By applying nanotechnology to direct PCR, PCRopsis improves sample preparation, amplification efficiency, and reproducibility. PCRopsis also minimizes damage to DNA caused by harsh chemicals, reducing the risk of degradation and errors. With PCRopsis, researchers can expect consistent and reliable PCR results, making it the ideal choice for a wide range of PCR applications.

Foregene's Direct PCR platform has been dubbed the world's leading PCR technology, thanks to its innovative approach and exceptional results. On top of PCRopsis, Foregene offers double-column RNA isolation and DNA-only silica membrane platforms, providing researchers with a comprehensive suite of molecular biology solutions.

As a company that is deeply invested in its research and development, Foregene is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of molecular biology. By creating innovative and effective solutions to long-standing laboratory challenges, Foregene is helping researchers worldwide make important breakthroughs in their fields.

Foregene's commitment to excellence extends beyond its products and services. The company also prioritizes customer satisfaction, with a team of dedicated professionals who work diligently to provide personalized support and guidance to all clients. Whether you're a lab professional or a researcher in the field, Foregene has the tools and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

In summary, Foregene Co., Ltd. is a company at the forefront of molecular biology research and development, with a focus on creating innovative solutions to longstanding challenges. PCRopsis, their direct PCR reagent solution, is among the best in the market, thanks to its use of nanotechnology and its superior DNA separation properties. The company's commitment to customer satisfaction and personalized support makes them an ideal partner for scientists, researchers, and lab professionals alike. With Foregene by your side, you can trust that your molecular biology work is in good hands.