Cell Total RNA Isolation Kit Total RNA Isolation Purification Kits from cell

Highly purified and high-quality total RNA can be obtained from various cultured cells in 11 minutes. RNase-Free Operated at room temperature (15-25℃) With DNA-Cleaning Column High RNA yield Fast:Finish extraction in 11 minutes Safety:None Organic chemical  foregene strength

Products Details

This kit uses the spin column and formula developed by Foregene, which can efficiently extract high-purity and high-quality total RNA from cells cultured in 96, 24, 12, and 6-well plates. The kit provides an efficient DNA-Cleaning Column, which can easily separate the supernatant and cell lysate, bind and remove genomic DNA. The operation is simple and time-saving. The RNA-only Column can efficiently bind RNA with a unique formula. A large number of samples can be processed simultaneously.■ The whole process is operated at room temperature (15-25℃), without ice bath and low temperature centrifugation. ■ The whole kit is RNase-Free, no need to worry about RNA degradation. ■ DNA-Cleaning Column specifically binds DNA, so that the kit can remove genomic DNA contamination without adding additional DNase. ■ High RNA yield: RNA-only Column and unique formula can efficiently purify RNA. ■ Fast speed: easy to operate and can be completed in 11 minutes. ■ Safety: No organic reagent is required. ■ High quality: The purified RNA is of high purity, free of protein and other impurities, and can meet various subsequent experiments.It is suitable for extraction and purification of total RNA from cultured cells in 96, 24, 12, and 6-well plates.The agarose gel battery diagram of Cell Total RNA Isolation Kit treated the above different numbers of cells, 20μl volume elution, take 2μl purified total RNA 1%.
Kit composition RE-03111 RE-03114
50 T 200 T
Buffer cRL1* 25 mL 100 mL
Buffer cRL2 15 mL 60 mL
Buffer RW1* 25 mL 100 mL
Buffer RW2 24 mL 96 mL
RNase-Free ddH2O 10 mL 40 mL
RNA-Only Column 50 200
DNA-Cleaning Column 50 200
Instruction 1 1

*Please wear gloves and take protective measures during the operation as Buffer cRL1 and Buffer RW1 contain irritating chaotropic salts.

The kit can be stored for 12 months at room temperature (15–25 ℃) or 2–8 ℃ for longer time(24 months). Buffer cRL1 can be stored at 4 ℃ for 1 month after adding 2-hydroxy-1-ethanethiol(optional).

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